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Berkley & Veller on The Morning Brew

Get to know your Realtor with  Berkley & Veller  Greenwood Country Realtors.

The 1st and 3rd Wednesday Morning at 8:20am on The Morning Brew With Tom Mayo, we’ll get to know your realtor and give you some tips on Real Estate.

We’ll get you updated on the housing market, the best time to sell your home, or maybe you’re looking to purchase. Whatever your Real Estate needs, Berkley & Veller has you covered. You may also listen to our  recorded segment right here.

Listen To Past Episodes

May 23rd 2024 - Market

May 29th 2024 - Buying Process

June 12th 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - Liz Lavorgna

June 26th 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - Laura D'Angelo

July 12th 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - Kassie Rubico

July 24th 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - Teddy Kramer

August 7th 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - Thom Dahlin

August 23rd 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - John Hatten

September 11th 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - Dan Normandeau

September 18th 2024 - Get to know Your Realtor - Amir Samar

Meet The Berkley & Veller Team

Tami Berkley Purcell – President

John Hatton, Sales Manager