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Prize Pickup

Prizes can be picked up at our reception desk weekdays between 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Our Location:

WTSA Radio – 464 Putney Road Brattleboro VT (around back)

Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I need to bring?

Any form of government issued photo identification.

Can my friend pick up my prize?

In certain situations, and if you are unable to pick the prize up yourself, it may be possible to have someone pick it up for you.  Please call our office at 802-254-4577 to make arrangements and please be sure to provide a copy of your government issued photo identification.

When can I win again?

For daily prizes, you are eligible to win again after 30 days.  For prizes worth $100-$500, you are eligible to win after 6 months.  For prizes worth over $500 you must 1 year before you are eligible.

Can you mail my prize to me?

Unfortunately, we cannot mail prizes, all prizes must be picked up from WTSA Radio unless otherwise specified.

How long do I have to pick up my prize?

Prizes will be held or pickup for up to 30 days after the prize winning date.  If the winner is unable to pick up their prize in the 30 day time-frame, please notify WTSA Radio and arrangements will be made to hold the prize for up to 2 additional weeks.  Please ensure that you always call WTSA to make sure you prize is available at the time you wish to pick it up.

Other important information

Prizes cannot be exchanged.

Prizes are as awarded and non-transferable.

If an event is cancelled, WTSA Radio is not responsible for substituting a prize, or refunding any costs incurred by prize winner.

Button:  General Contest Rules

The following rules, and specific contest rules, are available Monday through Friday during normal business hours at 464 Putney Road Brattleboro VT

General Contest Rules

The following rules, and specific contest rules, are available Monday through Friday during normal business hours at 464 Putney Road Brattleboro VT

  1. Winner must comply with all of the rules of the Contest, including, but not limited to, any restrictions on age and/or residency, and have not committed any fraud or deception in entering the Contest or claiming the Prize.
  2. The winner must affirm and represent that he/she is not an employee or agent of the Station or any sponsor of the Contest and is not a member of the same household of any such employee or agent.
  3. In consideration of the receipt of the Prize, the winner agrees to be solely responsible for any and all taxes and/or other fees, including, but not limited to, any federal state or local income taxes, that are or may become payable as a result of participating in the Contest and/or receipt of the Prize.
  4. The winner agrees to allow the Station and/or its designees the right to use winner’s name, likeness, portrait, recorded voice and/or biographical material for an unlimited period of time in order to advertise, promote or publicize the Station and/or the products and services of any of its designees.
  5. The Station is not the manufacturer or distributor of the Prize. With respect to any claims that the winner may now have, or that he/she may subsequently acquire as a result of the possession and/or use of the Prize, the winner acknowledges and agrees that he/she shall look solely to others in the chain of production and distribution of the Prize to the exclusion of the Station and any sponsors of the Contest.
  6. The station makes no warranties of any kind with respect to the prize, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Station hereby expressly disclaims any and all such warranties.
  7. The winner expressly releases the station, and any sponsors of the contest, and their respective officers, directors, agents, parent companies, subsidiaries and employees, from any and all claims, demands and/or causes of action of any nature or kind whatsoever, whether presently known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, that he/she may have, or may subsequently acquire, as a result of participating in the contest and/or receipt of the prize.
  8. No purchase is necessary to participate in or win The WTSA Radio contests. Contests are void where prohibited by law.
  9. Employees of Four Seasons Media, Inc., their affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, vendors and their immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of each are not eligible.
  10. The station is not responsible for telephone system or internet failure, or other inability of entrants to enter due to technical malfunction. This station is not responsible for lost, late or misdirected mail or for printing errors. No mechanically reproduced or completed entries will be accepted.
  11. Listeners are only eligible to win every 30 days. For daily prizes, you are eligible to win again after 30 days. For prizes worth $100-$500, you are eligible to win after 6 months. For prizes worth over $500 you must 1 year before you are eligible.
  12. All federal, state and local taxes apply and are the sole responsibility of the winner.